Videoing and Editing for Dummies

Intro: What we Did

Recently in class, we have been making and editing a video about the Academy on board. We have been using an iPhone 5 for videoing and a very complex editing program called Davinci Resolve to edit. Luke and I have gone around the ship to make time lapses and a tour.


My role in the group was to talk in the video and edit it. I feel like my editing skills have really been improved while working on this project. I also highly recommend Davinci Resolve to edit. It is a free and has many editing options.

Conclusion: What I Learned

I have learned how to make a very good quality time lapse and Mr. Remco has been very encouraging while showing us how to improve our videoing and editing skills. I have been really surprised about how useful these editing tools are and how they completely change the video in a good way. I feel like we could have spent a little bit more time on videoing as it is very important to have enough to edit.

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